The HIDTA Strategy incorporates initiatives that have identified performance targets to be met at the end of each calendar year. The two national HIDTA goals provide the foundation on which performance and outcome measurements are based.

HIDTA Program Goals: Vision and Mission Statements

The national HIDTA Program has adopted two specific goals to be achieved in accomplishing its mission. The NM HIDTA Strategy is developed to address regional drug threats according to its individual needs in support of national objectives

  • Goal 1:  Disrupt the market for illegal drugs by dismantling or disrupting drug trafficking and/or money laundering organizations; and
  • Goal 2:  Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HIDTA initiatives

NM HIDTA’s mission fully embraces the two national goals.

To reduce drug availability by supporting multi-agency task forces and facilitating intelligence-driven interdiction and investigation aimed at disrupting or dismantling international and domestic drug trafficking organizations and their harmful consequences.

The vision statement for the NM HIDTA was updated in 2009. It clearly reflects the culture of its participants, especially those of the EC members. The following is the Vision Statement for the NM HIDTA:

The New Mexico HIDTA, through its Executive Committee and participating agencies, will become the lead, coordinating counter narcotics program for New Mexico. It will enhance the coordination of drug control efforts and the collection and dissemination of intelligence/information among local, state, tribal, and Federal law enforcement agencies. It will also facilitate intelligence driven investigations to combat drug trafficking and its harmful consequences in critical regions of the United States.